Obituaries paint a picture on what type of a person the deceased was. This can be done through reports especially on newspapers, where by the news of someone’s death are revealed. This article will look at Michigan obituary search.
Obituaries used to be published on newspaper archives (local and state). This proved to be a hassle as searching from these archives proved to be time consuming and a more complex. With the introduction of the internet, finding these records only takes a few moments. There are sites who are dedicated to giving information like obituaries nationwide while others offer them on a statewide range. Michigan is no different.
An Obituary Lookup
An obituary lookup can enable you to unearth history and find information on your long lost ancestors. There are numerous places where you can find obituaries in Michigan. The way these sources offer these obituaries vary from place to place.
So whether you are looking for more information on your extended family or are conducting an extensive genealogical research, the methods discussed on this article will help you land your targeted goal.
To have a very good obituary search experience you will need to gather all information you can find on the person. Having very little information to go with can hinder your search progress and slow you down. It is a possibility too that the person you are looking for might not have been included in a newspaper obituary.
Collecting all information on the person of interest would come in handy in such a situation. This will be helpful as you may enlist the services of a professional such as librarians.
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State of Michigan
This is the official government site of the State of Michigan. This is the first recommended place to start your obituary search from. It is the source of a lot of information that has to do with Michigan. It will help you get in contact with the government entities like the Health Department and Archives.
This site has a database with obituaries that is published in one of the 8 newspapers in Michigan. You can view recent obituaries from here as well as search for old ones from their archives by clicking on the any of the regions listed on the site. To be able to conduct a search, you will need a name and a location just like in most people search sites.
There are also advance search options which will help filter your results. These need that you provide a period and keyword to search with.
Family Search is well known for being a custodian of historical obituaries it is a great source if you are looking for old obituaries, for example, from 1867 to 1897.
This is a perfect stop for people looking for very old obituaries.
You can go through the latest updated obituaries as well as old ones in Michigan from this site. Searches can be from boroughs, municipalities, parishes and a number of other sub regions.
Search for Michigan Obituaries from Libraries
Libraries are another great if not the best source of obituary information out there. This is because their staff is well qualified and equipped for such a process and they also have an extensive collection of geological information. Some of the obituaries found in them are no longer in existence as the newspapers who had them are extinct.
Another advantage with Libraries is that they also have indexes online of these obituaries. This enables you to search for the document online and find it without having to go the Library.
The Michigan City Public Library
The Michigan City Public Library even come with an obituary search tool that you can use for your obituary search purposes. Obituaries from this library range from 1887 to the present day. There is about 90 000 obituaries found on the library’s database.
If it so happens that your online obituary search produces a positive outcome, you can then go ahead and order a copy of the obituary from the library.
The Detroit Public Library
The Detroit Public Library can help conduct an obituary search for you through its staff at a certain charge. You can also conduct the search yourself too from the site if you want to. You can also send a request to the library asking them to loan you copies of microfilms of newspaper records of the time period you suspect the records to be based upon.
Mount Clemens Public Library
Searching from Mount Clemens Library would mean looking up from over 200 000 obituaries from the county of Macomb. Searches can be conducted using a name with any other available details on the person of interest. It is also possible to access the newspapers that keep the information from this library.
These suggestions can help you on a Michigan obituary search. They offer a number of options which gives you a large source to search from.
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