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How to Get a Michigan Birth Certificate

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Last Updated on July 4, 2023

If you live in Michigan, you can obtain a copy of your birth certificate by following the simple application process. This application takes just a few minutes and only requires you to fill in certain essential details. You will need to provide a valid photo ID and pay the application fee. If you need the copy to be expedited, you should ask about shipping and expedited services. Moreover, you must submit a check or money order for payment.

If you are a resident of the state, the application will take about 30 minutes. Generally, this will take seven to ten days.

These records are only available to you and your immediate family. If you are planning to apply for a passport or driver’s license in the future, your birth certificate will be needed for many occasions. It can even be used for a new job or to apply for government benefits. You can also use it to sign up for school.

You can visit the office of the Department of Health. You will need to submit an application for this type of document. Once you have submitted the application, you can choose a date from 1867 to 1997 and pay a fee of $34. You will also need to pay an additional $12 for additional year searches. The basic search fee covers the year specified in the application. Otherwise, you will receive an official statement that there is no record for the selected year.

You can also order a certified copy of your birth certificate in Michigan. The state of Michigan does not provide online access to these records. However, there is an option to order a certified copy of your birth certificate. You can choose a certificate of your birth in Michigan by using the MDHHS website. You will need to submit a photo identification and a check or money order to receive your certificate. This service is typically used for urgent requests.

You can also order certified copies of birth certificates for your family. These are not certified copies, but they can serve as a proof of your identity and are not legal for legal purposes. You can also get an heirloom copy of your birth certificate for personal reasons. Regardless of your situation, you should get a certified copy of your birth certificate. So, if you need to get a certificate of your child, make sure to contact the Michigan Vital Records office today.


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