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How To Find Out If Someone if Married in Michigan

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Last Updated on July 4, 2023

To find out if someone is married in Michigan, you can use the marriage license. A marriage license is a legal document that states the rights and responsibilities of both parties. It also defines the allocation of property, among other things. A Michigan marriage record is public information, so anyone can access it. This state requires that the spouses present a valid ID to prove their relationship. Here are the steps to lookup a Michigan marriage certificate.

The first step in finding a Michigan marriage record is to determine the type of record. The different types of marriage records include marriage licenses and marriage certificates. Each type of record has different levels of authority and is used for different verification and processes. You can search for either of them by using the appropriate search tool. This method is highly recommended for those seeking information on a specific person. It will give you proof that the individual is indeed married.

While the information in marriage license can be confusing, there are a few ways to get certified copies of these records. The first step is to apply to the county where the person lives, or where the marriage is to take place.

It is possible to obtain the marriage certificate from the county clerk’s office. It’s important to note that the name change may be difficult to find if the person doesn’t have a social security card. The marriage certificate is usually provided on the same day, so make sure you arrive early or leave plenty of time.

Obtaining the marriage certificate is not free, so you must pay a small fee. However, you can also obtain an uncertified copy of the marriage certificate from the MDHHS. This document isn’t a legal substitute for a marriage certificate.  The possible downside to this is that when requesting a Michigan marriage certificate you must have the original certificate with you.

Aside from the marriage certificate, you can also get other details from the local utility companies.


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